
I completed day three...

...of my wicca book. The ritual was melting beliefs. I like candle magic, and it seems to have worked.

This was day 3 in my a year and a day study. It takes longer than that, lol, because I don't have time to do it every single day. Its been a few weeks, actually, since I bought this book. It starts much more simpler than the other books I have read.

On day 2, I was to write down what I thought of certain words, like wicca, power, witchcraft, earth religion, ritual, spell, etc. My comfort level using them, what I thought others would think of them, and my interpretations. Day 3, I was to look for common themes. So I locked myself (figuratively speaking) into the bathtoom, filled my massive tub, got out my magic box, lit some insence (sandalwood) and got out my notebook, er, grimoire. I moved my box fan into the bathroom to block out sounds from the xbox and the kids playing, screaming, that sort of thing. I settled into my tub (sooo relaxing), did some yoga breathing, and started Melting Beliefs.

The book states most people's themes involve fear and other negative conotations relating to wicca and witchcraft, like movies, you know. That's not what my problem was! I carved into my candle this:

"fear of spirtitual commitment"

to be continued...


Jayne d'Arcy said...

This sounds like a fascinating workbook that you're working with. What is it called?

Rowan Dawn said...

it is called wicca, a year and a day, by timothy roderick. i got it at hastings, but you can find it online, too.

This blog is brand spanking new, how did you find me?

Jayne d'Arcy said...

I saw you in my blog of incoming links, thought the name was fascinating, and had to drop by.