

I am so sorry, I have been neglecting this blog and I have been neglecting my spiritual side. Aunt Flo is visiting, and she always puts me in a funk.

I am reading a book called Celtic Magic, not sure if I mentioned this. It is small, thorough and fast paced, as well as informative. It lists the differences between color associations of Wicca and traditional Celts; it is very good about including info on Wicca, and stating when they diverge. Often, they are very similar. the author describes gods and goddesses as "pools of energy" and that we can tap into these energy pools- this is magic. Another analogy I like is referring to Satan as the Christian god's alter ego. I like that idea. He says our left brain, the logical part, is always in control and that the right brain is the side that controls our subconscious mind, the side where magic takes place. He states that the point of ritual is to distract the left brain to let the right brain gain control, without it knowing it. He says that they left brain follows the logic of the ritual, while the right brain uses the ritual to focus and get into the right mindset.

I am reading a children's book called Norse Gods and Giants by Ingri D'aulaire. This is also a great reference book. There are wonderful illistrations and the language is simple and easy to follow, but not overly childish. Super informative.

I found a new website that has everything! This is the biggest collection of magical supplies I have found yet. It is called Abaxion, they are a world wide supplier, and refer to themselves as "a witchcraft, wicca and new age supplies superstore," and I couldn't agree more.

I am getting sleepy now, and am going to bed.

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